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FAQs for roller shutter door motor buyers & importers in Thailand

FAQs for roller shutter door motor buyers & importers in Thailand

2023-11-08 13:11:02 | FAQs

Are you a Thai roller shutter door motor buyer and importer? Want to find the best rolling shutter door motor supplier and manufacturer in China? Here are the FAQs for you:

FAQs about buying or importing rolling shutter door motors from Chinese roller shutter motor manufacturers and suppliers

1. What are the ways to collect information about China's roller shutter motor manufacturers?

You can gather information about Chinese rolling shutter motor factories through trade shows, social media platforms, search engines, and more.

2. What can I do to help manage the relationship with our roller shutter motor supplier in China?

Finding a manufacturer with stable quality, timely delivery, an appropriate communication style, and flexibility that can quickly respond to changes in your needs can help you establish a great relationship with China's roller door motor supplier.

FAQs about importing or buying rolling shutter motors from J&G Motor (Juguang Motor)

1. What are the benefits of purchasing bulk roller shutter door motors from J&G Motor?

Working with J&G Motor, a Chinese electric door and gate opener factory established in 1996, can give you a competitive edge and win the love of your customers. This is because we can provide you with the key supports for your business growth: stable quality, timely delivery, mass manufacturing capabilities, excellent after-sales service, strong R&D capabilities, etc.

2. Where is your J&G Motor factory located?

Our factory is located in Xiaolan Town, Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, China. It is only a 15-minute drive from Zhongshan Xiaolan Port, 1.5 hours from Shenzhen Yantian Port, and 0.8 hours from Guangzhou Nansha Port.

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