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FAQs for roller shutter motor buyers and importers in Australia

FAQs for roller shutter motor buyers and importers in Australia

2024-09-07 10:29:08 | FAQs

Are you a roller shutter motor buyer and importer in Australia? Looking for the best roller shutter motor manufacturers and suppliers in China? Here are the FAQs for you:

FAQs about buying or importing rolling door motors from roller shutter door motor manufacturers and suppliers in China

1. Why should you purchase external rolling door motors instead of tubular and internal rolling door motors from roller shutter door factories in China?

This is because external roller shutter door motors can be used for light duty and heavy duty rolling doors/shutters, while tubular roller shutter motors and internal rolling door openers can only be used for light duty roller shutter doors.

FAQs about importing or buying electric roller shutter motors from J&G Motor (Juguang Motor)

1. What are the roller shutter motor types you are available for Australia?

Here at J&G Motor, as a China-based rolling door motor factory, we supply rolling door/shutter motors to Australia in the following types: AC and DC rolling door motors (from 250 kg to 2500 kg).

2. Do you only have external rolling door motors?

Yes, we only produce and supply AC roller shutter side motors and DC roller shutter side motors with backup batteries.

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