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FAQs for roller shutter motor buyers and importers in Iran

FAQs for roller shutter motor buyers and importers in Iran

2024-08-15 09:07:06 | FAQs

Are you a roller shutter motor (موتور کرکره ای) buyer and importer in Iran? Looking for the best roller shutter motor manufacturers and suppliers in China? Here are the FAQs for you:

FAQs about buying or importing roll up door motors from rolling shutter motor manufacturers and suppliers in China

1. Why should you buy from external rolling door motor manufacturers in China?

This is because external roller shutter door motors can be used for applications from light duty to heavy duty applications, while tubular roller shutter door motors and internal roll up door openers can only be used for light duty applications.

FAQs about importing or buying electric roller shutter motors (موتورهای کرکره ای) from J&G Motor (Juguang Motor)

1. What electric roller shutter motors (موتورهای کرکره برقی) do you supply to Iran?

The electric roll up door motors we provide for Iran include AC and DC roller shutter motors that can be used in residential, industrial and commercial applications.

2. Can your J&G electric rolling shutter motors be controlled by smartphones and remote controls?

Yes, our smart roll up door motors can be controlled by smartphones and remote controls.

3. What are the frequencies of your J&G rolling door remote controls?

We currently have rolling door remote controls with 310 frequency, 433 frequency and 390 frequency. As a China-based manufacturer that produces both rolling door motors and rolling door remote controls, we support customized remote controls for electric roller shutter motors.

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