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FAQs for roller shutter motor buyers & importers in Singapore

FAQs for roller shutter motor buyers & importers in Singapore

2023-11-16 14:40:43 | FAQs

Are you a Singapore roller shutter motor buyer and importer who wants to find the best Chinese roller shutter motor manufacturer and supplier? Here are the FAQs for you:

FAQs about buying or importing roller shutter motors from Chinese rolling door motor factories

1. Why should I buy from roller door motor manufacturers in China?

Compared with Vietnam and India, China's roller shutter motor manufacturers have more mature manufacturing technology and stable production capacity, which can better meet your mass manufacturing or procurement needs.

FAQs about buying or importing rolling shutter motors from J&G Motor (Juguang Motor)

1. What roller shutter motor manufacturing services do you offer?

Here at J&G Motor, we support OEM, ODM, and Contract manufacturing.

2. How long have you been making electric motors for roller shutters and doors?

Since 1996, J&G Motor has been producing automations for roller shutters and doors.

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