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FAQs for slide gate motor buyers and importers in the Philippines

FAQs for slide gate motor buyers and importers in the Philippines

2023-12-30 09:29:10 | FAQs

Are you a Philippine sliding gate motor buyer and importer looking for the best China-based electric sliding gate motor manufacturer and supplier? Here are the FAQs for you:

FAQs about importing or buying sliding gate automations from sliding gate motor manufacturers and suppliers in China

1. What are the characteristics of a good Chinese sliding gate motor manufacturer?

A great Chinese electric sliding gate motor manufacturer usually has good production and R&D capacity, excellent operation, stable finance, timely delivery, strict quality control, a resilient and ethical supply chain, etc.

FAQs about importing or buying sliding gate openers from J&G Motor (Juguang Motor)

1. During which holidays are you closed?

Here at J&G Motor, we will be closed on holidays like New Year's Day, the Qingming Festival, International Workers' Day, the Dragon Boat Festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival, China’s National Day, the Spring Festival, etc.

2.What is your office hours?

At Juguang Motor, our working hours are 8:30–17:30, Monday–Saturday.

3. What sliding gate motor replacement parts do you offer?

The replacement parts we provide for sliding gate motors include control boards, limit switches, covers, internal motors, gears, remote controls, receivers, etc.

4. Are J&G components compatible with other manufacturers’ slide gate motors?

To fit your motors, it's best to talk to our sliding gate motor experts before placing your order.

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